Coloring Course

AFG color and layering

The color module is an AFG course particularly suitable for those who have already learned the shape with the AFG system, but it can be attended by anyone, dental technician or dentist, who wants to delve deeper into a topic that is both ancient and current.

No approach is possible to the matter of color without a profound knowledge of light and everything concerning its basic laws.

A modern, very lively and emotional, as well as scientific, explanation of the light-colour phenomenon will lead the student to understand how he should behave when faced with different materials and techniques.

AFG always leads towards schematic approaches that are easy to understand and reproduce, both during color capture and reproduction.

The color module is an AFG course particularly suitable for those who have already learned the shape with the AFG system, but it can be attended by anyone, dental technician or dentist, who wants to delve deeper into a topic that is both ancient and current.

No approach is possible to the matter of color without a profound knowledge of light and everything concerning its basic laws.

A modern, very lively and emotional, as well as scientific, explanation of the light-colour phenomenon will lead the student to understand how he should behave when faced with different materials and techniques.

Layering or surface coloring, the knowledge bases are the same.

The techniques, although different, with AFG are reduced to easy-to-reproduce schemes. The finished tooth should appear real, vital and vibrant. This is the final goal, to which must be added the emotion of manipulating the magic of colors with a deep mental and interior involvement that generates satisfaction and fulfillment.

Color course program

3 day course

  • 3 day course
  • Layering and coloring of the incisors
  • Elements and introduction to AFG
  • Light experience and basic physics
  • The human eye
  • Color science: vibration.
  • Subtractive, additive and partitive system
  • Light – pigment relationship
  • Color combination
  • The great masters
  • The impressionists and stratification
  • Commercial and individual samples
  • Lighting and light conflicts
  • Metamerism
  • Photography
  • AFG: color maps and measurements
  • AFG color card
  • AFG schemes for layering with horizontal and vertical segmentation
  • The secret of the brush: humidity
  • Base masses, pigments and application schemes
  • Vibrating masses
  • Contrasts, deep and superficial
  • Translucency: vitality
  • Opalescence, fluorescence
  • Internal and external characterization
  • Light on the surface
  • Finishing in direct vision
  • Surface texture, polishing and reflected light


